Thiago Cóstackz during the show “The Wall” of the musician Roger Waters, former member of the British band Pink Floyd. The show took place in Sao Paulo to an audience of 60 thousand people at Morumbi Stadium. The artist was invited by T4F and chosen by the musician himself to perform an intervention on a giant inflatable balloon in the shape of a pig measuring about 9m x 6m. In a high peak of the show the huge balloon floated over the huge crowd carrying the messages: “The New Forest Code will kill Brazil” and “Brazil is secular”, both in protest against the increasing negative interventions of agro-business and religious political lobbying in national Congress concerning various environmental and human rights issues in Brazil.


Roger waters e thiago cóstackz the wall 1

Roger waters e thiago cóstackz the wall 2

Roger waters e thiago cóstackz the wall

Vídeo 1:

Vídeo 2:

In process:

the wall roger waters costackz em processo