franz kafka costackz expo


Leopards in the Temple of Franz Kafka – Casa das Rosas in Sao Paulo

Joining the second time literature and visual arts, the exhibition “Leopards in the Temple” the artist Thiago Cóstackz happened in 2008 in the historical and secular Casa das Rosas on av. Paulista in Sao Paulo, a temple dedicated to poetry in the heart of one of the most important avenues of the city. The show exhibited through intriguing paintings and installations, works inspired by literary works of the great Slav realism as “Crime and Punishment”, “White Nights” and “Memorias the Underground” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “Leopards in the Temple”, “The metamorphosis, “” The Castle “,” The Trial “by Franz Kafka and” The Master and Margarita “by Mikhail Bulgakov and still inspired by the works of other authors such as” The Waves “Virginia Woolf, and” Treaty of atheology ” physical and theoretical Swiss Marcel Grasset.

mostra os Leopardos no Templo franz kafka costackz

The exhibition had as central thread the metaphorical text of Franz Kafka that names Exposure:

Leoparden in der Tempol

“Leop­ards break in­to the tem­ple and drink all the sac­ri­fi­cial ves­sels dry; it keeps hap­pen­ing; in the end, it can be cal­cu­lat­ed in ad­vance and is in­cor­po­rat­ed in­to the rit­ual.”

Franz Kafka

retrato pop de franz kafka thiago costackz

Thus Thiago Cóstackz questions to visitors who are the cheetahs? Who are these beings that invade the “temple” no disdain and drink until the end of this important liquid, seen as part of ritual by locals? What are these acts and which likely are they? Which political, philosophical or even existential metaphor is this nonsense of this master of the Slavic realism?

After the exhibition at the House of the Roses show she went to the bookstore Culture of the National Assembly, also on Avenida Paulista in Sao Paulo.

Mostra Franz KAFKA na Livraria Cultura 1

Mostra Franz KAFKA na Livraria Cultura 2

Mostra Franz KAFKA na Livraria Cultura 3

Mostra Franz KAFKA na Livraria Cultura 4

Thiago Costackz por Sacha Hochstetter para a Mostra Os leopardos no templob

Leoparden in der Tempel